World News
Where you have to wear a mask in Alberta as COVID-19 continues to spread
With cases of COVID-19 on the rise, masking regulations are varied and changing quickly around Alberta as municipalities try to prevent the spread of the virus. To help you keep up with the rules, here’s a list of what different municipalities are doing.CBC has compiled a list of towns and cities around Alberta with their corresponding policies…
With cases of COVID-19 on the rise, masking regulations are varied and changing quickly around Alberta as municipalities try to prevent the spread of the virus. To help you keep up with the rules, here’s a list of what different municipalities are doing.
With cases of COVID-19 on the rise, masking regulations are varied and changing quickly around Alberta as municipalities try to prevent the spread of the virus.
To help you keep up with the rules, we’ve curated a list of towns and cities in the province, outlining their corresponding policies on masks. We’ll try to keep it updated regularly.
- If you have an update, addition or question on our mandatory mask list, please email
As of Aug. 1, masks must be worn in all public places in Calgary, unless the people are separated by an installed screen, shield or other barrier.
Those public spaces include any building, structure or other enclosed area where the public has access to by right. In other words, places like grocery stores and shopping malls. The bylaw applies to Calgary Transit buses and the CTrain, as well as taxis and Ubers.
University of Calgary facilities plan to follow the bylaw, and will be handing out two complimentary reusable masks to faculty, staff and students before the fall term. At the Calgary airport, they are also requiring mandatory temperature checks as of July 30.
Starting today, all guests travelling and employees going post security will need to have their temperature checked. #FlyHealthyYYC @Transport_gc
Places of worship will be included in the bylaw. However, those in attendance may remove their masks temporarily to provide or receive service, such as to receive communion, a city spokesperson said.
The bylaw excludes any place where there is an enrolment or membership requirement in order to access it. Masks will also not be mandatory in schools or daycares.
People also won’t be mandated to wear masks when it prevents them from providing or receiving a service, which means Calgarians won’t have to wear masks while dining out for food or drinks, or at the gym. But some businesses, like fitness centres, may require mask use in part of their facilities.
The bylaw won’t apply to outdoor settings, the city said, but face coverings are still strongly recommended where it is difficult or impossible to maintain physical distance outside.
Other exemptions from mandatory mask use include:
- Children under two years of age.
- People with underlying medical conditions or disabilities inhibiting their ability to wear a face covering.
- People who are unable to place, use or remove a face covering safely without assistance.
- People who are caregiving for or accompanying a person with a disability where wearing a face covering would hinder the accommodation of the person’s disability.
People or businesses could be fined $50 to $200 for non-compliance, though the city says its aim is an educational approach.
Face masks will be mandatory in all indoor public spaces in Edmonton starting Aug. 1, after city council passed a temporary bylaw in effect until the end of the year.
The bylaw requires people to wear face coverings at all times while in enclosed or indoor public places or public vehicles. It includes indoor spaces that are both public and privately owned.
People not wearing masks indoors could face fines of $100. City administrators said they will start with an education and awareness campaign, followed by warnings and use enforcement as a last resort.
There are some exceptions to the bylaw:
- Children under the age of two.
- People exercising indoors or in a pool.
- People unable to wear a face covering due to a mental or physical concern.
As well, people eating and drinking in designated spaces or as part of a religious ceremony may remove their masks.
Schools, health-care facilities and daycare centres will also be exempt from the bylaw as they fall under provincial jurisdiction.
Masks will be mandatory in Banff’s indoor public spaces, as well as outside along Banff Avenue — the town’s main street — as of July 31.
The mask bylaw will include outdoor restaurants in that area, while people are not eating or drinking.
The bylaw excludes schools, hospitals, daycares, and people with underlying health conditions or who are participating in sports. The masks will be required to cover the wearer’s mouth, nose and chin.
Those who contravene the bylaw could be fined $150.
Masks are mandatory in Chestermere when an employee and client must be within two metres of each other for the service provided.
Fort McKay First Nation
The northern Alberta First Nation enacted a mandatory mask policy after the community had its first positive case July 12.
Trips into and out of the First Nation will also be limited to one per day, and travel within the community is strongly discouraged.
People using public transit will be required to wear a mask in Lethbridge as of Aug. 4.
The city announced that free masks will be provided to riders who do not have their own. It will also be revisiting the possibility of mandatory masking for indoor public spaces if case numbers continue to rise.
The Town of Okotoks is looking at requiring masks be worn inside municipal facilities and transit.
The final vote on the issue is expected Aug. 17.
If the number of active cases of COVID-19 in Cochrane rises to 10 or more, face masks will become mandatory in Cochrane’s indoor public places or public vehicles.
The mandatory measure would be rescinded when the number of active cases are reported to be below 10 for 14 consecutive days.
Medicine Hat
Masks are not mandatory in Medicine Hat, but their use is encouraged on public transit. They are available to passengers using transit on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Red Deer
The city is not currently implementing mandatory mask use, Red Deer Mayor Tara Veer said on July 24.
However, Veer indicated that this decision is subject to change if COVID-19 numbers increase in Red Deer — or if Alberta Health recommends it for the city.
Airdrie will not be following in the footsteps of other Alberta municipalities by making masks mandatory, the city decided on July 28.
Instead, city council directed administration to prepare a mask bylaw that it will put in place if the city’s COVID-19 case numbers rise.
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