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Here’s what public school students need to know about clearing out desks and lockers –
Starting this week students can return to Hamilton public schools, for up to 15 minutes each, to clean out their desks and lockers.Teaching will continue until June 26 so the Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board says families and students should keep items they need for learning at home. (David Donnelly/CBC)Starting this week students can return to…
Starting this week students can return to Hamilton public schools, for up to 15 minutes each, to clean out their desks and lockers.
Starting this week students can return to Hamilton public schools, for up to 15 minutes each, to clean out their desks and lockers.
Families can sign up for a quick visit to their child’s school through the Booking Calendar link on its website, so long as they know their child’s homeroom class and teacher.
Here’s what you need to know:
Secondary school pickups were scheduled to begin Monday, with elementary visits kicking off Tuesday, according to the Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board (HWDSB).
Elementary students are allowed to enter the building with one parent or guardian to clear out their cubbies. The board notes personal items stored in their desk will already be packed in a bag to speed up the process.
High school students will be able to come into the school on their own. If a parent must come along they board asks that they contact the principal.
Any high school students who need to gather up items from somewhere other than their locker are asked to leave a message at the school saying what they need and which room it will be in.
What should you bring?
The HWDSB says teaching will continue until June 26, so all books, technology and other items needed for learning should be left at home.
However, any library books or materials that won’t be needed in June can be returned.
Beginning June 1 at 6 a.m., families can begin signing up for a 15-minute visit to their schools to retrieve personal items. There are morning, afternoon and evening times available. This access will begin on Thursday, June 4, 2020. Learn more at
Families and students should also bring a bag or box to carry the items they’re taking with them.
What do you have to do before entering school?
In order to make sure students, families and staff all remain safe, the board says it’s working with public health officials to follow COVID-19 guidelines.
Anyone who has been in close contact with someone who has returned to Canada in the past 14 days, has tested positive for COVID-19 in the last two weeks or has a new cough, fever or difficulty breathing is asked not to return to school.
They can contact the principal and make different arrangements instead.
The HWDSB also says people cannot enter a school if they are experiencing any of the following symptoms:
- Severe difficulty breathing.
- Severe chest pain.
- Feeling confused or unsure of where you are.
- Losing consciousness.
- Fever or Chills.
- New or worsening cough.
- Barking cough.
- Shortness of breath.
- Sore throat or difficulty swallowing
- Hoarse voice.
- Runny, stuffy or congested nose that aren’t related to allergies.
- Lost sense of taste or smell.
- Headache.
- Digestive issues.
- Extreme tiredness.
- Falling down often.
- Muscle aches.
- Pinkeye.
- For young children and infants: sluggishness or lack of appetite.
Here’s what you do once you’re inside:
The HWDSB has outlined several steps in order to maintain physical distancing and a safe environment during the visits.
Students and families are asked to show up at their allotted time so lineups do not form. They will enter through the front door of the school, sanitize their hands and check in at a table where staff will maintain two metres of distance at all times.
“While we know you miss each other, there will be no handshakes or hugs,” states the board.
High school students are reminded to come alone rather than with friends, although siblings from the same household can book their visit at the same time.
They can then put any books or materials they need to return in a labelled box near the door and head to the classroom or locker. Garbage cans will be provided in the hallway so people can get rid of any waste.
Visitors are asked to simply get what they came for, avoid touching any other student’s belongings and socializing with others before sanitizing their hands again and checking out.
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